Friday 29 November 2013

Acts 14:20b-28 – Paul & Barnabas returned to Antioch

The last we read was when Paul was stoned and left for dead outside the city of Lystra. But he survived and after being watched by the disciples, he returned to Lystra, where they had stoned him. Together with Barnabas, they rested for the night. Having gained sufficient strength, they left for Derbe the next day.

In verse 21 the author made a quick summary that they made many disciples after preaching the gospel in this new city. Quickly, their steps were retraced and they revisited Lystra, Iconium and Pisidium, the three cities of Galatia. It took great bravery to do what they did. How many people would return to places where their lives were threatened? Yet these brave souls returned to where they had earlier faced bitter oppositions. 

Verse 22 provides the reasons for their return. Like good parents they refused to be irresponsible. They couldn’t possibly leave the converts there without strengthening them. So despite the danger, they returned to encourage them in their faith and also to warn them to anticipate tribulations. They told those new disciples that they would need to endure hardship to enter the Kingdom of God.

Besides encouraging the new believers in the Lord to stay faithful, they also appointed elders in every church there. Just as they were sent forth as missionaries with prayer and fasting, they did the same for those elders. They also prayed for them with fasting before committing them to the Lord. 

Paul and Barnabas had fruitfully planted many churches in the cities in Galatia in this first missionary journey. They were now headed home for Antioch in Syria where they were sent out. They passed Pisidia and came to Pamphylia. As they went they also preached the word at Perga which they must have bypassed earlier. Then they headed for the port at Attalia where they set sail for home.

With the task completed, they reached home. Gathering the church together, they reported to them all that God had done through them, and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. We are not told how long they remained at Antioch. But they did spend a long time there. 

Commitment, bravery, diligence, plus the relying on the Holy Spirit took Paul and Barnabas through tough times into victory. Their focus was the Lord as they live life’s great adventure. Amazingly they were mightily used of God to reach the world of Rome within a single generation. 

What about us? Do we have the same gumption, the same determination to reach our nation and our generation? Will God say of us as He said of King David in Acts 13:22 & 36? ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will…’ And this “David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep….”











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