Wednesday 2 October 2024

Malachi 2:13-16 – Issue of marital fidelity

In Malachi 2:13-16, the prophet deals with marriage and divorce. The people are distraught because God no longer accepts their sacrifices and offerings. Verse 13 says they deeply lament and cover the altar with tears.

They cannot fathom why God rejects their sacrifices. So, God gave them the answer in verse 14. They have broken their covenant with their wives, dealing treacherously with the “wife of your youth,” meaning they have been unfaithful or unjust in their marital relationships. They have dealt treacherously with their marriages and wives.

As far as God is concerned, marriage is a covenant—an agreement made before Him. A wife is a partner and a companion bound by this sacred agreement. Betraying this bond is seen as violating God’s law and spirit.

For God, raising “godly offspring” in a marriage is essential. Marriage and family are integral to His plan. Hence, a divorce or unfaithfulness undermines His goal. They damage the stability and sanctity of marriage and family life.

Thus, in verse 16, God explicitly declares, “I hate divorce.” He hates divorce because it is a betrayal and injustice. What does this phrase “covering his garment with wrong” mean? The garment is a symbol of one’s reputation or identity. To cover one’s garment with wrong suggests that the person is identified by his betrayal of the sacred trust of marriage.

The word “cover” implies that nothing is hidden from God's eyes. God sees through everything. Therefore, He admonishes and warns the people to guard their spirits and not act treacherously in their marital relationships. Here is God’s call for us to stay faithful to our marriage covenants, especially when made before God.

We must uphold marriage's sacredness, prioritize faithfulness, and honor the covenant we have made before God. We must never downplay marriage's sanctity and significance since it is a covenant before God. Being faithful and committed and demonstrating integrity within marital relationships is paramount. 

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