Sunday 29 September 2024

Malachi 1:6-14 – Honor God and offer sincere and genuine worship

In Malachi 1:6:14, God begins by stating the universal principle of respect and honor. He said, “A son will honor his father, and a servant his master.” And since Israel has acknowledged Him as master and servant, why are they not doing what is expected?

God accused His people, especially the priests, of despising His name. They had shown God disrespect by offering polluted sacrifices such as lame, sick, and blind animals to Him. They would not consider offering these polluted to their governor and expect to please him, yet they would offer such polluted sacrifices to God and expect Him to be pleased.  

In verses 10-12, God says that He would rather they close the temple and have no sacrifice than for them to offer such abnormal and aberrant worship. While His people would not give him what is due, His name would be highly honored and greatly regarded among the nations that would worship Him.

Implied here is the idea that both Israel and the Gentiles will offer true worship in the future. This prophecy highlights God’s desire for pure and sincere worship and not what is defiled.

Verses 13-14 indicate that the Jews felt that the entire worship ritual was tedious. They not only disrespected God through the poor quality of their offerings, but they also deceived Him. When they were in trouble, they vowed to offer something valuable if He rescued them, but once they were rescued, they presented something worthless instead.

We must respect and honor God and offer Him pure and sincere worship. Seek to offer worship in spirit and truth, i.e., offering our best attitude sincerely. Our worship of God should stem from a genuine relationship with Him. Let us not merely go through the motions and offer worship devoid of connection with Him. 

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