Tuesday 30 March 2021

Isaiah 65:11-16 – The challenge to choose wisely

In Isaiah 65:11-16, the Lord contrasts what the unfaithful would ultimately experience from that of the remnant. The latter would inherit the promised land and experience peace and abundance. The unfaithful would inherit one grim future all the way. Playing with two words “Fortune” and “Destiny,” the unfaithful was referred to in their participation in the feast with Canaanite idols. What they failed to realize was that their destiny was in the hand of God. He alone controls destiny and not those idols. For not responding to God’s call through Isaiah and His other prophets, a very gloomy future would be their portion. They were destined for the slaughter.

Verses 13-16 contrast the experiences the remnant and unfaithful would experience.  While the remnant would be in plenty, the unfaithful would experience hunger and want. The former would be rejoicing but the latter would cry and experience deep sorrow. Meanwhile, the faithful remnant could anticipate a splendid future. The troubles they had experienced God would erase them all, and they would all be a forgotten past. In their place, the remnant would know Yahweh as the God of truth and value His name and enjoy His favor. 

Life’s journey requires that we make right choices. Each decision we make will determine the outcome of our life in the future. The results are usually not immediately known but they will be experienced, good or bad. We can choose to be faithful like the remnant and inherit the great promises of God. Or we can choose the path of the unfaithful and reap woes, sorrow and unrest, and ultimate destruction. So choose your path wisely today and enjoy a great future in God!   




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