Saturday 15 February 2020

1 Samuel 18:1-5 – Let’s bloom where we are planted

First Samuel 17 closed with David’s conversation with Saul. It took place immediately after David had defeated Goliath and brought back the latter’s head which he had cut off. Continuing on, we will see what took place following the conversation between the two of them. Chapter 18 will reveal the rise of David’s popularity among the people of Israel, and how the different ones who had met him would love him. That is, everyone except Saul, who was threatened by his popularity. A summary of what would take place over the years after the triumphant day at the Valley of Elah is provided in the first five verses of 1 Samuel 18.

Earlier we were told that David was brought in to play the harp for Saul whenever he was troubled by an evil spirit. Being ministered to by David, the king then kept him for his service and did not let him go home. Verse 2 now connects us to that day when Saul kept David with him. Our sanctified imagination tells us it was likely that during those times David could have been in contact with Jonathan and their relationship developed. And now after the defeat of Goliath, their friendship and love further solidified.

The first verb used to describe their closeness was the word knit. The use of this word signifies to us that between them there was no rivalry. The last we learned of Jonathan was that he was fighting the Philistines and he had done so successfully. But now with the killing of Goliath, David’s popularity had eclipsed his. Naturally speaking, jealousy and rivalry would be a very normal response.  But Jonathan was not affected by David’s reputation. He did not display any envy or mistrust. Instead, he appreciated David. His soul was so knitted to him as if they were one person. This is the mark of a person who has self-acceptance. In life, we all need to bear in mind that there will always be someone better than us and that we will always be better than someone in something. We should not allow God’s gifting to divide us but instead to use them to build us. We exist to complement each other’s strengths and supplement each other’s lack.  

The second verb used is the word loved. Verse 1 said that Jonathan loved David as himself.  In other words, he had a deep affection for David. By all accounts, He should have a hatred for David, for he was an opponent to the throne.  Regardless of what seems like a conflict of interest, Jonathan loved David instead of setting himself against him. This ‘love’ must not be seen in a romantic context but in the context of appreciating a person who shares similar interests and purposes.

The third verb is used with the phrase “made a covenant.” It is said in verse 3 that “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him like his own soul.”  There was an agreement that bound them to each other.  Perhaps this was a strong pledge to watch each other’s back. Notice that it was Jonathan who initiated the covenant because he loved David like himself.

The final verb used is the word stripped. Verse 4 tells us that “Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, including his sword and his bow and his belt.” For us who know the conclusion of this story, this act was very significant. Jonathan was literally transferring his royal privileges and entitlement to David. He was showing preference and honor to David before himself.  Only a person with an astute insight could do a thing such as this. Jonathan had shown himself to be perceptive and discerning. What about us? Do we strive to be the first? An understanding of who God has made us to be will help us not to try and grab for power. Each of us has our place in God and in the community of believers. We must all learn to bloom where we are planted and not otherwise. As we do so, we will advance the purpose of God instead of ours.  

David’s gifting in leadership was obvious. God had gifted him for the role ahead.  He was successful in whatever he was assigned by Saul. The king appointed him as a leader among his men and David was a delight to the servants of Saul and his household.  One key lesson to take away. Don’t be a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.  Instead, be who God has made us, and seek to bloom where He has planted us.

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